Limited support extension of Client Security 11-series, until 10th of February 2017.

PALS Posts: 5 Contributor



Ive read that CS 11 series went EOL Feb 10th.


I have just checked the few we have remaining and all have 2017-02-27_1  signatue updates


So if they are still updating with defintions then will they still work to protect the system over the next few months as we upgrade them all to 12?


Thanks for any info




  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172

    Hello Jed,


    There is no support after EOL day and there is no guarantee if any day  signature updates would just fail to load for version 11.x


    > over the next few months as we upgrade them all to 12?


    I don't think FSAVCS 11.x -> 12.30 transition should take that long, since it is a one-click operation in the Policy Manager Console 12.31, provided you have Win 7 / 8 / 10 / OSX endpoints.


    Of course, if you have Win XP or Vista computers (still quite a lot of ancient WXP active here in Hungary...) that's a problem.


    Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • PALS
    PALS Posts: 5 Contributor

    Thanks for the info.


    We cannot upgrade on the server as our 11 clients are standard and our 12 license is premium so the "upgrade" button does not help.  The push installation is not avaible due to the number of configurations of these machines running 11.


    We are having to do these manually accross muitlple sites hence the question about how long the defininitions will keep updating.  Seems odd that fsecure would say no more updates and then more updates are coming out.



  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    Thanks for the clarifications!


    > We cannot upgrade on the server as our 11 clients are standard and our 12 license is premium


    I think your "premium" licence means you could opt to use v12 "standard" packages and keycodes now, to quickly climb to version 12 on the endpoints and then change over to the "premium" branch packages later mid-year, at your own pace. Ask the partner who sold you the licence for details.


    > Seems odd that fsecure would say no more updates and then more updates are coming out.


    I think it is important for F-Secure Corp. to define an EOL date for v11.x, so they can have liberty to, e.g. bring in the new "UltraCore" protection engine and throw out an existing scan engine, any day they see the need to do that, based on new malware trends. Backporting a new scan engine to the obsolete v11.x products would be a big burden, so they need to define a EOL and be able to say NO to v11 "traditionalists", with a written justification.


    Anyhow, I would be vary to use v11 any more, even if signature updates continue for months. Ransomware blocking does not rely on signatures but program and process behaviour monitoring and you are missing the architectural developments found between v11 and v12.


    > The push installation is not avaible due to the number of configurations of these machines running 11.


    It is also possible to export .MSI package from FSPM Console and distribute that to endpoints via AD group Policy Object, which is a more modern alternative to the "Push" method.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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