Server Security 12.11 and Windows 2016



I have two issues with Server Security 12.11


1. Installation via push over Policy Manager 12.31 does not work. I get an Error Code 5 or unknow operation system ... firewall in the domain network is turned off and the account I'm using is a domain admin


2. Adding allowed hosts for the web gui on the server security 12.11 ... I have added the hostnames and/or IP addresses of the allowed hosts to the list in the PM. (change through users are not allowed) But the clients do not set the allow list - the file webui.cnf stays unchanged


does anybody also have that issues?


best regards



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Robert,


    1. We didn't have any reports about such issues from other customers. Please, contact support. Fsdiag from affected server may help to  shed the light on the root cause.


    2. Unfortunately, support for adding allowed hosts from PMC was not implemented in the current ESS release. Please, use Web Console for adding new hosts.


    Best regards,


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669

    Try to access admin$  share on the target host from CMD. If that does not work you need to fix the credentials first.

  • admin$ is reachable and accessable - Account is a valid domain admin account

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669

    "Net helpmsg 5" says "Access denied"
    There is no other answer than "wrong/invalid credentials".
    retry with correct credential.


    export an MSI and execute that using RDP.

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