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Disconnected clients

Renz Posts: 2 Contributor

After migrating the PMS to another server some clients are shown as disconnected on the PMS. But if I'm on the client I can reach the PMS. I don't understand why it worked for some clients and for some other not... so what can I do? Any suggestions?


Best regards,



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Dan,


    What was the migration scenario?

    Do the new server have same ip address/DNS name, as the old one?

    If no, is it possible, that some clients didn't receive the new PM address/name?

    You can check the PM address, which the client uses, in local GUI Settings > Other Settings > Central management.


    Best regards,


  • Renz
    Renz Posts: 2 Contributor

    Hey Vad,


    migration from a Windows Server 2003 PMS v.12.31 to a Win Server 2012R2 PMS v.12.40. The new server has another ip address but the same policy server manager address. But the port has changed from 81 to 80. So maybe some clients didn't receive the new port. But what to do now?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Please, contact support, they can provide you a special hotfix for migration.


    Best regards,


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