Exchange no longer receives Mails after Email and Server Security Installation

MarkusMitK Posts: 3 Contributor



For the first time I installed a F-Secure product and it was going down very fast straight to Exchange hell.


The server is a MS Windows SBS 2011 with Exchange. In this case the SBS Exchange receives the messages from a local installed POP3-connector called POPcon.


Informations about POPcon:


I installed the Business Suite Policy Manager on the MS Windows SBS 2011.



Then i wanted to install the Email and Server Security to the Server with the Policy Manger by searching for Hosts. The Policy Manager found the Server, but an error message about insufficent rights appeart in the deployment process.


So I installed the Email and Server Security directly, without the Policy Manger.


And now the trouble began. From now on, the Exchange is no longer receiving emails and doesn't respond to requests.


Telnet on port 25 doesn't work too.


I checked the receiveconnectors but the configuration is ok.


Reinstallation of Email and Server Security doesn't changed anything.


Actually I don't have any idea what happend. Hope somebody can help.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello MarkusMitK,


    What versions of Policy Manager and Email and Server Security do you have?

    Most likely, we will need more information about your configuration. Please, contact support.


    Best regards,


  • MarkusMitK
    MarkusMitK Posts: 3 Contributor

    I've contacted Support but still no answer.

This discussion has been closed.
