How to Configure Click-Time URL Protection
Security is a top priority when running business critical operations on cloud platforms such as Salesforce. To reduce risk and keep things running smoothly, you want to ensure that your enterprise and users are protected against malicious URLs, such as phishing links, in real-time. In this article, we'll guide you through…
Protection Status
Protection status view See and control your security configurations from a single view The protection status panel provides a comprehensive, straightforward snapshot of your Salesforce security status, including file and URL protection configurations, connectivity status, automatic update status, and the version in use.…
How to download the latest version of WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce?
Issue: How to download the latest version of WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce? Resolution: The latest version of WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce version can be downloaded from our product Downloads page. Article no: 000011635
How to create a custom URL and File scanning report
Cloud Protection Reports and Dashboards In addition to the Protection Dashboard on the Summary page of the Cloud Protection app, WithSecure provides out-of-the-box Dashboards and Reports for you to further analyze your Salesforce environment. There are over 25+ reports in the WithSecure Cloud Protection Reports folder, and…
How to Enable Connected App
We have introduced a new solution architecture and a new application type called Connected App to WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce to bolster current scanning capabilities. New architecture brings more effective protection for your business-critical Salesforce platform today and empowers us to deliver more…
WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce - Frequently Asked Questions
This article collects answers for frequently asked questions. What does WithSecure Cloud Protection application do? WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce is a native application and runs in your Salesforce environment. The app prevents malicious and disallowed content from getting into your Salesforce environment via…
Cloud Protection for SalesForce - Calling a Future Method from a Future Method
Issue: WithSecure is using Future Method to run scans and clashes with custom scripts that also uses Future Method. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Resolution: By default Cloud Protection for SalesForce uses Queueable Jobs for invoking email attachment scan. However if Future Method was called, this means that the…
Error output of "System.LimitException: AFSC:Too many queueable jobs added to the queue: 2 (AFSC)" when using F-Secure Cloud Protection for Salesforce
Issue: I noticed that the following error message is output when a queueable job that adds date field values to related cases on "Case Status Update" is triggered. This job always starts a new job in the queueable context. Somehow, F-Secure Cloud Protection for Salesforce starts another job in the same context, which leads…
Is the assignment of permission set as well as licenses needed for WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce to work properly?
Issue: Is the assignment of permission set as well as licenses needed for WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce to work properly? Resolution: You need to assign the permission set as well as licenses for WithSecure Cloud Protection for Salesforce to work properly. If the permission set is not assigned, the user may…
How can I change the scheduled scan settings in the custom object?
How can I change the scheduled scan settings in the custom object? Once the scheduled job is created, you can modify its settings in the AFSC__FS_ManualScanSetting__c custom object, which stores settings for the manual and scheduled scan jobs. To modify the scheduled scan settings: Open Setup > Developer Console. Select…