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Firewall based on network location

NicknameThatIsN Posts: 12 Security Scout

How can I assign different firewall profiles based on the network I am in (home, office or public). This was not optimal in the old protection but the new one does not even include an option to do this?


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator



    in the Computer Protection profiles under Firewall, you can enable this feature in "Select F-Secure firewall profile" dropdown by selecting "Automatic selection".



  • NicknameThatIsN
    NicknameThatIsN Posts: 12 Security Scout



    I understand that I can create an empty profile by "Choose a custom profile to create all the rules without any predefined rules." but how can I create let's say 5 new profiles BASED on the normal workstation profile?



  • NicknameThatIsN
    NicknameThatIsN Posts: 12 Security Scout

    Also, how can I manually choose these profiles in the client? Or even see which profile is active?

  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator




    I understand that I can create an empty profile by "Choose a custom profile to create all the rules without any predefined rules." but how can I create let's say 5 new profiles BASED on the normal workstation profile?



    You cannot copy firewall profiles currently (you would need to recreate rules if you want a copy of normal profile) and cannot have more than 2 custom profiles.

    Do you need more? We can add more if it's required.



  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator


    Also, how can I manually choose these profiles in the client? Or even see which profile is active?

    You cannot choose profiles in client. It's controlled only by admin on server side.

  • NicknameThatIsN
    NicknameThatIsN Posts: 12 Security Scout

    I can live with two custom profiles, sad that they cannot be renamed though.


    What actually would be very needed is more rule options to choose the profile. I would like to see DNS suffix, WINS-server and SSID. DHCP and gateway are very likely the same (and thus the other one redundant in most cases) and many times rules based on these are too simple and might very well trigger where not needed. 


    Also some means to trigger a profile based on whether or not a VPN is in use would be more than useable.

  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator

    Thank you for a good idea.

    I've created a feature request, we will see when we have time to implement it.

This discussion has been closed.
