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Computer Protection Silent Installer

NinjaLee W/ Alumni Posts: 20 Security Scout

Is there a silent installer for Computer Protection? We would like to mass deploy to our users through PDQ.


  • NinjaLee
    NinjaLee W/ Alumni Posts: 20 Security Scout

    I figured out how to silently deploy Computer Protection.


    1. Download/Install Orca

    2. Download Computer Help .msi


    3. Edit PSBInstallerPSB2.msi with Orca


    4. Click CustomAction and enter in your License Key


    5. Click Property and enter in your License Key

    6. Save 


    7. Use command to deploy
    msiexec.exe /i "PSBInstallerPSB2.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log


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