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Browser Protection Adwords

0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout



I've installed F-Secure and the F-Secure Browser Protection by F-Secure yesterday on a computer who is using Adwords every day. 


The installation of the browser protection prevents me to use the drop-down options in Adwords ( 

The moment i disable Browser Protection all of these options are working like they should.


Do you perhaps know of this issue of can you mark the problem as a bug? 


Hope to hear from you.


Kind Regards,

Stefan Baan


  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Stefan,


    May I know in which F-Secure product do you see this issue?

  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Hi Laksh,


    The F-Secure product is: F-Secure Computer Protection (Business)

  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout



    I've seen that my issue was moved to an other topic, but that was the last notification i've received. 


    I hope the question was clear and if this issue is known or marked as a bug.


    Hope to hear from you.


    Kind Regards,


  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator



    Did you try to disable different browsing protection features one by one and check which one breaks layout? Sounds like something which can be caused by "Show the reputation rating..." setting. Try with it disabled.

    We will investigate this on our side

  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout



    On this PC no other Browser Protection is installed. 

    I will try to disable the option: 'Show the reputation rate' and let you know.


    Hope you can find something.

  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator



    We cannot reproduce the issue, we probably look at a wrong place. Could you make screenshots and show what exactly is not working in Adwords?

  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout



    Its difficult to show exacly what is going wrong, because the screenshot only shows that moment. 

    The screenshot that i provide is in dutch, so i will give some enlightment:



    1: Is the searchterm that cannot be dropped-down

    2: Number clicks that cannot be dropped-down

    3: Conversions that cannot be dropped-down

    4: Date that cannot be dropped-down



  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 5 Junior Protector


    In addition to the screenshot, can you provide also the full url of your screenshot's page (or at least the hostname + path part)? It seems that google adwords does not provide access to the management pages without creating a real ad campaign, so this is a bit challenging to debug.


  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Hi Jouni,


    Is there maybe a ETA known? 



  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 5 Junior Protector

    This fix had to be bundled with a larger protection framework update, which needs to be carefully tested in beta level before production release. I cannot give any exact ETA yet, but it should be latest by end of May when we have a new version of one of our other products going out. Sorry for any inconveniences caused by this.


  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Hi Jouni,


    I was hoping if there is a ETA known.


    Like to hear from you.



  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 5 Junior Protector


    The channel update containing the fix was published yesterday as "F-Secure Online Safety 2018-05-24_01". It should be available to all customers around these days depending of channel throttling.

  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout



    Thank you for your answer. 

    Does F-Secure automatic install this update?


    And does F-Secure Online Safety also comes with F-Secure Computer Protection for Business? 

  • 0nlinq_supp0rt
    0nlinq_supp0rt Posts: 17 Security Scout



    I've just reinstalled Browser Protection and see that the drop-down menus in Adwords are working correctly. So the problem is solved.


    Thank you! 

  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 5 Junior Protector


    Yes, the update is installed automatically, and Computer Protection for Business customers should receive it also.


This discussion has been closed.
