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How do you reset UID for Computer Protection?

NinjaLee Posts: 20 Security Scout

How do you reset UID for Computer Protection? 


FSMAUTIL.exe does not exist for Computer Protection.


  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator



    Why do you want to reset UID?

    Which problem are you trying to solve?


  • NinjaLee
    NinjaLee Posts: 20 Security Scout




    Why do you want to reset UID?

    Which problem are you trying to solve?


    For sysprep.

  • NinjaLee
    NinjaLee Posts: 20 Security Scout


    I assume you know how it worked with WKS client before so you apply the same method.

    But with WKS we updated it once a year or so and preinstalling had a sense.

    With CP we update it every couple of weeks so preinstalling CP and resetting ID does not make much sense - it will be old version already after a week on average and will need to update itself. Moreover, it's more dangerous as we may not support updates from old versions very well.

    You will not really save any traffic or time.


    So, best way to do this would be to put installer into prepared image and run it with admin rights silently with "--silent --voucher blah" command line. Then it will just silently install on new machine.


    Instead of adding it on the image we set it up as mandatory app to install on our MDT. 

    Thank you.

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