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Network Application control feature

rivernet Posts: 3 Security Scout

Will the Network Application Control feature be included in the new version?  I love this feature, being able to disable "do not ask about known programs" works great, that way I can decided whether or not to allow the connection.  I do not see this feature anywhere in the new version, perhaps it hasn't been added yet?


EDIT: Title


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator



    application control was enabled in all portals with the release 1.0.313 last week. It is only available for the Computer Protection Premium product and its settings management only happens via PSB portal profile editor.


    You should be seeing the Computer Protection profile editor pages like this article shows



  • rivernet
    rivernet Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Thanks, does this allow for prompting on any program trying to access the intertnet, not just ones in TEMP, Downloads, etc?  Also, my profiles are read only, do I have to clone or is there a way to unlock them?

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