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Centrally initiated scheduled scan or manual virus scan for the traditional Mobile Security product

etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

Dear Sirs,


Can you please confirm that "one-time device scan" or "scheduled scanning" feature is unavailable in the PSB management webportal, regarding the "F-Secure Mobile Security" product for Andoid endpoint protection?


I see that "manual scan" action is avalailable in the local GUI of "F-Secure Mobile Security" but the PSB portal account only has the "Scan for malicious programs" button for PC-based devices and the same button is missing on the mobile devices tab. I also can't seem to find a "scheduled scan" definer table among the mobile device policies.


Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.


  • Sarika_Dogra
    Sarika_Dogra Posts: 9 W/ Former Staff

    The central management for the devices having Mobile Security is not supported from the portal

This discussion has been closed.
