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F-secure psb workstation 10.6 from charter spectrum does not intall firewall and internet shield in

msedc1997 Posts: 3 Security Scout

Since charter spectrum fails to help me with this problem I am reaching out to this group.  Charter spectrum business cable provides psb workstation 10.6 but it does not fully install (fails to install firewall, internet shield and email scanning.  Tried on several compures but no luck.  Anybody have any ideas?  




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello msedc1997,


    Please, check that Windows service "Base Filtering Engine" is running on affected machines.

    The availability of this service is checking during Internet Shield and Email Scanning modules installation. If it is stopped, installation fails.


    Best regards,


  • msedc1997
    msedc1997 Posts: 3 Security Scout
    The base filtering engine was running but still fails to install firewall and internet shield. It had fully installed on one computer that was not updated to the fall creators version of windows 10. However I had to install a clean version of windows 10 on that computer and now psb workstation 10.6 does not fully install like the other computers. Any other ideas besides it being an older version of psb workstation?
  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello msedc1997,


    Diagnostic information from one of affected machines would help to find the reason.

    Most likely version 10.60 is not compatible with fresh versions of Windows 10. It was tested only against early versions.


    Best regards,


  • msedc1997
    msedc1997 Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Is there a way to send a fsdiag.tar.gz?


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Sure. You can send it to our support here.


    Best regards,


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