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Change subscription key

Creative-PC Posts: 1 Security Scout

Hi. With old PSB workstation you could manually change subscrition key at the workstation but that seems to have gone with new Computer Protection. Is that right? Is the only way to uninstall and install again with new right key?


  • LucH
    LucH Posts: 2 Security Scout

    In our PSB Portal  we see that we can change the subscription key on a machine. Trying to do this gives an error.

    If I understand well (after reading this Community post) is the functionality to change subscription key of "Computer Protection" in the PSB Portal only to use in case of a subscription is expired?

    So the problem stays if we install on site with our NFR-license and want to replace it later with the key of the customer?

    We can't change the subscription key with "change subscription" in the portal, we get the error "Changing subscription failed for device: Subscription was not found".

    The only thing we can do is still to remove Computer Protection on the PC en reinstall it with the key of the client? This takes a lot of time and is inconvenient!

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator



    are both the original and new subscription within same company? At the moment the system only supports changing the subscription within a company. We will later add the support for changing it within a partner.



  • CreativePC
    CreativePC Posts: 12 Security Scout



    I think 99 times of 100 will be changing keys between different companies. When using your own reseller keys temporary and then trying to change to the customers. So we will be waiting for the support to change it within a partner

  • LucH
    LucH Posts: 2 Security Scout


    It is indeed the replacement of our reseller key by the key of the customer.
    In our case it always (100/100) another company (customer).

    Hopefully this can be implemented in the short term!

    But now we know why it doesn't work, it is unfortunate that it is not mentioned in the portal.

    Thanks to all

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