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Software updates : java jdk issue

ericmag Posts: 2 Security Scout



I try to use the F-Secure software update to keep a computer updated and I have an issue with java software.


On the computer, the java version is the last available : (build 1.8.0_181-b13)


On the F-Secure portal, the system ask me to install this same version all the time and keep the computer under orange flag like it cannot see the version is correct on the computer.


How can I do to remove this version already installed ? I try to launch new analyse but this alert is already present.


Thanks, Eric.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Eric,


    Please, contact support. We need diagnostic information from one of affected machines for analysis.


    Best regards,


  • ericmag
    ericmag Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Hello Vad,


    Thank you for your answer, I will contact support.


    Best regards, Eric.

    MHORNSHOJ Posts: 1 Security Scout

    I have same issue here. What was the solution?

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