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Url blocker

arche Posts: 4 Security Scout



Sorry for my english.

We have a suggestion regarding the PSB portal.


Can you simplify the manual url blocker on the portal?
We are in a business where we manually block some urls (to unlock if necessary and really manage blocked urls), but when we add to many urls, the web page is very long. And to add new urls, it's even longer.
Would it be possible to import a txt file with urls to block or lighten this web page and save time on manual blocking?

Thank you in advance.


  • milka
    milka Posts: 22 Junior Protector
    Sorry for the super late response. It looks like our support completely missed any questions that popped up around Christmas.
    Just to be on the same page, are you referring to the "Denied sites" in the "Browsing Protection" in the profile editing page?
  • arche
    arche Posts: 4 Security Scout



    Thank you for your answer.


    Yes it is this category.
    We manually enter websites to better manage blocked sites. But when the list becomes long, it's a hell to add new ones.
    Hence my question to know, whether it will be possible to lighten this page or to be able to add/delete Websites via a text file for example?

  • milka
    milka Posts: 22 Junior Protector
    If you don't mind, I would like to understand your problem better before I contact the product owner. Is it that you consider the UI of our application somehow inconvenient to use? How many Denied Sites are we talking about here? 10? 20? 100?
  • arche
    arche Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Yes, we have a +1000 websites in the urls blocked.

  • milka
    milka Posts: 22 Junior Protector
    I looked up what we have in our database and it looks like in the whole application we have literally 50 profiles that have more than 100 blocked URLs and only 1 profile that has more than 200 - that's probably yours, with 2180 URLs. Having that in mind we cannot really invest in a feature that a vast majority of users would never need.
    With such huge numbers however I wonder if perhaps there's an easier way to achieve the goal you're trying to achieve. For instance, also in the Browsing Protection tab you can find the possibility to block entire categories of websites instead of listing them one by one. Or if you want the users to be able to access a very small subset of pages, then you can deny all and extend the Allowed Sites instead?

    If you're sure that the configuration you're trying to apply is in fact the only way, then you could also try automating this on your side in however way you like and then simply make the HTTP request to our REST API. I can dig out some API documentation for this if you're interested
  • arche
    arche Posts: 4 Security Scout



    Thank you for your reply.

    We want please.

    Thank you in advance.

This discussion has been closed.
