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Deploying Computer Protection with Intune

Neoito Posts: 2 Security Scout

So I've seen the thread here and followed the isntructions here but I feel like I must be missing a step. When using the MSI file I create to install it still asks for a license key when you run Computer Protection. There is no way I'm aware of that you can use a .MST file with Intune. 


Any enlightenment/pointing out of me missing the obvious would be greatly appreciated!


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Neoito,


    Seems you are asking in a wrong place. Please, ask here:


    Best regards,


  • kiryvl
    kiryvl Posts: 4 Security Scout

    According to this docs

    Microsoft Intune supports passing command-line arguments to MSI package:

    "Command-line arguments: Optionally, enter any command-line arguments that you want to apply to the .msi file when it runs. An example is /q."


    Given that the simplest way to provide the license key might be via command-line.

    Please specify the following arguments for MSI:



    where "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" should be replaced with your actual license key code.

    "/qb" option will enable silent installation.

  • Neoito
    Neoito Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Thanks for the reply!


    I have tried this and Computer Protection does install but upon launching is for a license key. I've also tried the new Win32 app method with a transformation file but just get a "failed to install" message. I do love a good helpful error from Microsoft!

  • kiryvl
    kiryvl Posts: 4 Security Scout
    Neoito, please share the SECL.log file located in C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Log\SECL with me via a private message.
    It should contain the information why license wasn't applied.
This discussion has been closed.
