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F-Secure Firewall misisng on Win10 1803

DiAmi Posts: 31 Junior Protector



We are using F-Secure PSB Workstation Security 12.01 build 283 and I installed this version on Win10 1803 version. For some reason, the F-Secure firewall is missing (Network connections not avaliable). No problem with the Win10 1703. What could be the reason?


  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator



    Please collect fsdiag and send link to it as a private message.

    You could also switch to Computer Protection as PSB Workstation Security 12.01 build 283 is nearing EOL. See if you did not see it yet

  • DiAmi
    DiAmi Posts: 31 Junior Protector

    You are right. There was in portal latest version fspsbwks-12.01.293_PSB1.exe

    This solved the issue now.

This discussion has been closed.
