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Computer protection problem installation

Tracy2 Posts: 1 Security Scout



I have a problem with the installation of the Computer protection.


I don't understand why when I want to enter the licence key, they ask me to enter a valid one.


I received a licence key that I tip manually to avoid problem with the copy/paste ( like space between letters that are not supposed to be in it ).


I deleted all the stuff from F-secure on my computer like : 


* f-secure installation folder
* f-secure registries under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\services
* f-secure registries under HKLM\Software\F-Secure, HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Data Fellows, HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\F-Secure
* C:\ProgramData
* C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming
* C:\Program Files (x86)



And reinstalled the program but it doesn't work.


Can someone help me ? 


Thanks you in advance.


  • milka
    milka Posts: 22 Junior Protector
    hi. Could you please send me in a private message the subscription key and an approximate time when you last tried to use it? This way I will be able to check if something bad happened on the server side.
    Also, what Windows version are you running?
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