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software updater - does it disable windows update

gmr Posts: 4 Security Scout

we're migrating from f-secure on-prem to PSB, and now have access to 'software updater'

I'm looking at this as a replacement for WSUS (our current method of rolling out windows updates)


I've had a look in the documentation for PSB but cannot find an answer to this:

If we remove WSUS, pc's will fallback to automatically updating directly from Microsoft. i.e. will download and install updates whenever they are available.


Does f-secure 'software updater' disable the standard windows update agent to prevent this ?


i.e. if we schedule updates to be installed on a Thursday at 3pm, we need to be sure that this is the only time they are being installed.


  • DmitriiEremin
    DmitriiEremin Posts: 12 Security Scout



    > Does f-secure 'software updater' disable the standard windows update agent to prevent this ?


    Unfortunately, our software updater doesn't have any option to disable the standard windows update agent yet. It disables standard windows update agent only during the installation process to prevent any conflicts between windows and itself, but then it just enables this back.


    Best regards, Dmitrii.

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