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False positive, after false positive

Iñaki19899 Posts: 2 Security Scout

Dear F-Secure Forum,


We are software developers and we have a big problem with your software.

We have a lot of customer (more than 100) in finland (and in another part of the world) with F-secure and F-secure detect our softare as malware.

We have reported this problem dozens of times and they always ask us to upload the file to analyze it.

You always tell us that there is no problem and that in the next update this will be resolved, but is not true.

You're putting our business at risk because, every time we release an update, your software blocks our software and the IT's department have to disable F-secure.

But we're already having complaints about this.

We need you to give us a definitive solution.



  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator



    Please write to me directly in PM and we can discuss ways to solve that.

    We need to understand why your software gets detected - maybe you don't sign it or we dont trust your certificate?

    Anyway, lets figure out how we can help you

  • Iñaki19899
    Iñaki19899 Posts: 2 Security Scout

    I don't have any answers.

    I sent all the info to F-secure and since Monday I don't get an answer.

    You're putting our business at risk in Finland.

  • fedool
    fedool Posts: 162 Threat Terminator



    Sorry, I was on Christmas vacation but I was checking inbox here and did not get any emails from you.

    You probably sent it to support but I don't work in support and don't have access to mails there. I will try to get your email from there

This discussion has been closed.
