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FSPMC incorrectly reports Email&Server security installed on hosts

hyvokar Posts: 165 Junior Protector
edited June 2020 in Business Suite


on two server 2016 hosts F-secure PMC incorrectly reports Email&Server security installed, but in fact only Server Security premium has been installed. How to fix this?


  • hyvokar
    hyvokar Posts: 165 Junior Protector

    In policy based installations, policy manager console incorrectly reports number of hosts being upgraded (0 failed, 4 in progress, 2 succeeded), when in fact I'm upgrading 20 hosts.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello hyvokar,

    Regarding your initial issue. This could happen if you'd installed new product (Server Security Premium) over existing Email and Server Security without uninstallation of ESS. We have a hotfix, which removes not relevant version from statistics. Please, contact support.

    Regarding the second issue with wrong upgrade statistics in PMC, it's hard to say something without the information about your PM/client version. Diagnostic information from PM/client may be required for investigation.

    Best regards,


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