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Policybased install CS 15.00 disturbes users

Askoik Posts: 28 Security Scout

I did an policy based ugrade install from 14.22 to 15.00. I noticed on several Win 7 and Win 10 desktops, that during install it opens Windows Explorer. One of my users also reported, that it blinked her display as if I would have connected her PC via VNC.

One hour after I distibuted policies, she called me and asked if I'm doing something on her PC and will it last how long. :-) I was not connected to her PC with any VNC.

IMHO, it would be better not to pop-up Windows Explorer windows open during the install.

Best Answer


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Askoik,

    Thank you for reporting the issue. The team is currently working on a fix.

    Best regards,


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