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Exception from blocking usb rules

kostasb Posts: 4 Security Scout

I'm using a software called cardpresso. It uses a usb dongle for the product's licence, in order for the software to work.

The problem is that, I would also like to block all usb drivers access to that pc.

Is there a way to block usb access , but have an exception for that software?

Best Answers


  • kostasb
    kostasb Posts: 4 Security Scout

    I tried that, but it seems that "USB Mass Storage Device" rule superceeds all the other ones, regarding usb access.

    I disables usb mass storage and allowed a specific usb device ID, and it didn't work.

  • kostasb
    kostasb Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Thanks, i managed to find the compatible device ID, from:

    Devices-> connected devices tab.

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