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Error upgrading to Policy Manager Server 15.20

ZS Posts: 10 Security Scout
edited January 2022 in Linux Products

After upgrading to 15.20 from 15.11, the server service does not start.

Below is a screenshot from the console.

[root@fspm-srv tmp]# rpm -U fspm-srvs-15.20.95099-1.x86_64.rpm

Stopping fspm-srvs (via systemctl): [ OK ]


* F-Secure Policy Manager Server has been successfully upgraded to 15.20.95099.


* Run /opt/f-secure/fspms/bin/fspms-db-maintenance-tool before

* starting the server.


ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-webmvc-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-webflux-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-tx-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-jdbc-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-jcl-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-expression-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-core-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-context-support-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-context-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-beans-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/spring-aop-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/reactor-netty-0.9.3.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

ostrzeżenie: plik /opt/f-secure/fspms/lib/reactor-core-3.3.2.RELEASE.jar: usunięcie się nie powiodło: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

[root@fspm-srv tmp]# /opt/f-secure/fspms/bin/fspms-db-maintenance-tool

This tool optimizes your Policy Manager database. In addition to checking the integrity of the database, it also minimizes the size of the database. The tool creates a backup of the current database before making any changes.

Depending on the size of your database, the entire maintenance process may take quite a long time.

Press enter to start database maintenance

Starting database maintenance

Upgrading database schema: OK


Reindexing: OK

Total maintenance time: 4 minutes

All maintenance steps completed successfully. You can continue using Policy Manager.

Run '/etc/init.d/fspms start' to start F-Secure Policy Manager Server.

[root@fspm-srv tmp]#

[root@fspm-srv tmp]# /etc/init.d/fspms start

Starting fspm-srvs (via systemctl): Job for fspms.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status fspms.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [NIEUDANE]

[root@fspm-srv tmp]# systemctl status fspms.service

● fspms.service - LSB: F-Secure Policy Manager Server

  Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/fspms; bad; vendor preset: disabled)

  Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since pon 2021-05-17 09:43:29 CEST; 20s ago

   Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)

 Process: 6387 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/fspms start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

maj 17 09:43:09 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: Starting LSB: F-Secure Policy Manager Server...

maj 17 09:43:24 fspm-srv.local su[12967]: (to fspms) root on none

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local fspm-srvs[6387]: Starting F-Secure Policy Manager Server: ......[NIEUDANE]

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: fspms.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: F-Secure Policy Manager Server.

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: Unit fspms.service entered failed state.

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: fspms.service failed.

[root@fspm-srv tmp]# journalctl -xe


-- Wynik uruchamiania: done.

maj 17 09:43:24 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: Started Session c3 of user fspms.

-- Subject: Ukończono uruchamianie jednostki session-c3.scope

-- Defined-By: systemd

-- Support:


-- Jednostka session-c3.scope ukończyła uruchamianie.


-- Wynik uruchamiania: done.

maj 17 09:43:24 fspm-srv.local su[12967]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user fspms by (uid=0)

maj 17 09:43:24 fspm-srv.local su[12967]: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user fspms

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local fspms[6387]: Starting F-Secure Policy Manager Server: ......[NIEUDANE]

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: fspms.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: F-Secure Policy Manager Server.

-- Subject: Jednostka fspms.service się nie powiodła

-- Defined-By: systemd

-- Support:


-- Jednostka fspms.service się nie powiodła.


-- Wynik: failed.

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: Unit fspms.service entered failed state.

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local polkitd[701]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:6381:95213660 (system bus name :1.552, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale pl_PL.UTF-8) (

maj 17 09:43:29 fspm-srv.local systemd[1]: fspms.service failed. lines 4345-4369/4369 (END)

Best Answer


  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 561 W/ Moderator


    I will check this with our product team and get back to you.

  • ZS
    ZS Posts: 10 Security Scout


    I will wait for you to contact me and solve the problem. The system where F-Secure Policy Manager is installed is

    CentOS Linux 7.9.2009

    Linux 3.10.0-1160.25.1.el7.x86_64 to x86_64

    Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2670 v3 @ 2.30GHz, 4 cores

    4 GB RAM memory

    Local disk space 66.09 GB

  • ITService_LH
    ITService_LH Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Same issue on Debian 10.9



    /etc/init.d/fspms start

    [....] Starting fspms (via systemctl): fspms.serviceJob for fspms.service failed because the control process exited with error code.

    See "systemctl status fspms.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.


    root@FsecureServer:~# journalctl -xe

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: user@999.service: Succeeded.

    -- Subject: Unit succeeded

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- The unit user@999.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 999.

    -- Subject: A stop job for unit user@999.service has finished

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- A stop job for unit user@999.service has finished.


    -- The job identifier is 1027 and the job result is done.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/999...

    -- Subject: A stop job for unit user-runtime-dir@999.service has begun execution

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- A stop job for unit user-runtime-dir@999.service has begun execution.


    -- The job identifier is 1028.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[8980]: run-user-999.mount: Succeeded.

    -- Subject: Unit succeeded

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- The unit UNIT has successfully entered the 'dead' state.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: run-user-999.mount: Succeeded.

    -- Subject: Unit succeeded

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- The unit run-user-999.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@999.service: Succeeded.

    -- Subject: Unit succeeded

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- The unit user-runtime-dir@999.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/999.

    -- Subject: A stop job for unit user-runtime-dir@999.service has finished

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- A stop job for unit user-runtime-dir@999.service has finished.


    -- The job identifier is 1028 and the job result is done.

    May 18 08:48:41 FsecureServer systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 999.

    -- Subject: A stop job for unit user-999.slice has finished

    -- Defined-By: systemd

    -- Support:


    -- A stop job for unit user-999.slice has finished.


    -- The job identifier is 1029 and the job result is done.


  • A_Grinkevitch
    A_Grinkevitch Posts: 169 Threat Terminator


    Reason has been identified: recent changes made to our building system have caused incorrect AUS service start configuration. Relevant improvements have been made to our test automation to avoid such issues in the future.

    We are going to publish the new PM 15.20 Linux package fixing this problem in the next few days.

    Sorry for the inconvenience...

This discussion has been closed.
