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The F-secure browser extension has a problem.

Yuta_H W/ Alumni Posts: 1 Security Scout

I use F-secure Computer Protection, and I also use the Chrome extension.

Recently, the page display of Google's search results is sometimes erratic.

A large blank space appears as shown in the image below.

I think it is an F-secure problem because I checked it by turning it On/Off in my browser with only the F-secure extension installed.

Also, my colleague is facing the same problem. And, I have the same problem with FireFox.

This seems to occur only with Japanese emphasis snippets.

I think you can see it with the following URL.

I hope this problem will be fixed soon!


Browsing protection by F-Secure: 1.0.1338

Chrome version: 91.0.4472.114

F-Secure Computer Protection: 2021-06-28_05

OS: macOS 10.15.7


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