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MIBs to translate oid's in policy exports?

falkowich Posts: 10 Security Scout
edited March 2022 in Business Suite


We are looking at a simple way to document our policys and reasons to make exceptions.

So the policy export seemed like a good template to script trou and insert in documentation.

But for that to work, I need to get the oid's to text to translate into documentation language :)

Anyone know where those MIB's is, or if there is any other way to get that information?


Regards Falk

Best Answer

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Falk,

    Please, make sure that you do export for 14/15 versions:

    It contains json with text.

    Alternatively you can collect support information from one of your client machines, and check basic\settings.txt file in it.

    Maybe it will fit your requirements even better.

    Best regards,



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Falk,

    What product(s)/version(s) are you using?

    Best regards,


  • falkowich
    falkowich Posts: 10 Security Scout

    Hi Vad,

    The export was taken from a Policy Manager 15.11 and the policyexport was for Client Security for Windows 15.11.


    Regards Falk

  • falkowich
    falkowich Posts: 10 Security Scout


    The support » base/settings.txt were text instead of oid's.

    Thanks for the help!


    Regards Falk

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