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F-Secure Policy Manager slows down the printing of documents

ASR Posts: 1 Security Scout
edited March 2022 in Business Suite

Hi all,

since one week, my server Windows RDS (! connect to him via remote desktop) has a problem with document printing: the most serious is when I print pdf, but similar events occur when I try to print with Word, Excel and other apps.

I noticed that when I click on the print menu, F-Secure starts with the process called "F-secure plugin hosting service" and the service name is "F-Secure Ultralight Hoster". CPU consumption increases up to 25%-30% more. I tried disabling Real-time scanning, DeepGuard and Network access control, with no success.

Do you have any idea what the cause may be?

Many thanks for your help.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello ASR,

    Clearly you have Server Security product installed together with Policy Manager on your server.

    For troubleshooting purposes you can try to disable Real-time scan and check if it helps. If that is the case, some scanning exclusions can be configured to lower the issues.

    Anyway, please, contact support. We will need diagnostic information from your server for investigation.

    Best regards,


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