Elements API Changelog



  • Hubert_Szymanski
    Hubert_Szymanski Posts: 10 Junior Protector

    Elements API: incidents updates

    Listing incidents: new fields have been added to incidents listing endpoint:

    • riskScore is numerical representation of incident's risk. It's directly linked to the riskLevel.
    • categories is a list with incident's categories that helps with classification of the incident like for example CREDENTIAL_THEFT etc.

    Commenting incidents: new endpoint has been implemented that allows to add comment to incidents. At the moment added comments are visible in EDR portal when viewing incident's details.

  • SergeH
    SergeH Staff Posts: 63 W/ Former Staff
    edited September 2023

    Endpoint Protection API: Subscriptions endpoints end of life on 11th of March 2024

    The old subscriptions endpoints are deprecated and should be replaced by the subscription endpoints in the Provisioning API. To use this API, you need to request Read-only Provisioning API credentials from WithSecure Support. Access to Provisioning API is only for partner (SOP) accounts.

    The following Endpoint Protection API subscriptions endpoints will stop working on the 11.03.2024:

    • Get company subscription details
    • Get partner subscription details
    • List company subscriptions
    • List partner subscriptions
    • Remove computers from subscription (replaced by Elements API endpoints “Update device state” or “Delete device”)
  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Query EPP, EDR and Collaboration Protection (ECP) Security Events

    New Elements Security Events query endpoint has been released and is available for new and existing integrations. New endpoint allows querying Security Events generated in Endpoint Protection (EPP), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Collaboration Protection (ECP).

    Support for Collaboration Protection engines allows reading Security Events related to Microsoft Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams from REST API. To get last 10 Collaboration Protection events with cURL run command curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>" -d "persistenceTimestampEnd=2030-12-31T00:00:00Z&engineGroup=ecp&limit=10" https://api.connect.withsecure.com/security-events/v1/security-events. More examples can be found in endpoint documentation, Getting started guide and in Elements API Cookbook.


    Q: Why do you introduce new endpoint instead extending capabilities of existing one?

    A: Existing GET /security-events/v1/security-events endpoint is a legacy from early releases and cannot be easily extended to support Collaboration Protection events. The new endpoint has a more modern design and will make it easier to add new features and capabilities in the future.

    Q: Is Security Events query endpoint compatible with existing endpoint?

    A: If you're interested only with events from EPP and EDR then you won't notice any significant differences. Security Events query endpoint preserves format of response that is known from existing endpoint. If you're interested with Collaboration Protection events you need to adjust your integration and prepare it for different response - for example they don't have device properties or user name.

    Q: I'm only interested with Security Events from EPP and EDR. What I need to change after switching to new endpoint.

    A: Response for EPP and EDR engines contains same properties that are present in response from
    GET /security-events/v1/security-events. In order to get EPP and EDR events you need to make
    following changes in your integration:

    • send query parameters in request body,
    • add to request HTTP header Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
    • add to request HTTP header Accept: application/json,
    • add parameter engineGroup=epp,edr to request body in order to receive only Security Events from EDR and EPP
    • adjust value of parameter limit - maximal allowed value is 200

    Q: What will happen with existing GET /security-events/v1/security-events endpoint.

    A: Existing endpoint will stay there, we don't have plans to remove it or deprecate it. It means that you can continue using it in your integration if you're interested only with EPP and EDR events. We will keep maintaining endpoint (bug fixes) however we will stop adding new features to it. New capabilities will be added only to Security Events query endpoint.

  • SergeH
    SergeH Staff Posts: 63 W/ Former Staff

    Elements API: Description added to both incidents and detections endpoints

    “/incidents/v1/incidents” - description of incident entered in Elements Security Center

    Property “description” contains the "incident description" that user inserts in Broad Context Detections (BCD) view under "analysis" tab. This is useful information for a reporting system or a ticketing solution

    “/incidents/v1/detections” - human-friendly description of detection

    Property “description” contains value that is visible in detections list in Elements Security Center

  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Filter devices by name of operating system, public IP and Active Directory group

    New query parameters in endpoint /devices/v1/devices allows filtering EPP devices:

    • activeDirectoryGroup - filter devices by name of Active Directory group
    • osName - filter devices by name of the operating system
    • publicIpAddress - filter devices by public IP address of device
  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Query missing software updates

    Missing software updates query endpoint is available in Elements API. Integration client can list missing updates for particular EPP device and filter results by category and severity. It should be used as replacement for endpoint from legacy EPP API that has been deprecated.


    To find all critical software updates for single device with curl execute following command

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d "deviceId=$DEVICE_ID" -d "severity=critical" https://api.connect.withsecure.com/software-updates/v1/missing-updates

    Replace $TOKEN with authorization token and $DEVICE_ID with device identifier that can
    be found in response from device listing.

  • SergeH
    SergeH Staff Posts: 63 W/ Former Staff

    Endpoint Protection API: List missing software updates endpoint end of life on 2nd of May 2024

    The old List missing software update endpoint is deprecated and should be replaced by the Query missing software updates endpoint in the Elements API

    The Endpoint Protection API is fully deprecated. The ability to create API keys is soon going to be removed from Elements Security Center. 

    The following endpoints have past their end of life date and should not be used anymore

    • Computers endpoints: 30th of May, 2023
    • Security events endpoints: 30th of June, 2023
    • Companies endpoints: 31st of July, 2023
    • Invitations endpoints: 3rd of November, 2023

    The following endpoints will soon be end of life, and customers should migrate as soon as possible.

    • Subscription endpoints: 11th of March, 2024
    • List missing software updates endpoint: 2nd of May,
  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Query not archived EDR incidents

    Client calling Incidents endpoint can request only not archived EDR incidents by adding to query parameter archived=false. Querying only not archived incidents is highly recommended as it might have positive impact on requests speed.


    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

  • maciej_antkiewicz
    maciej_antkiewicz Posts: 2 Security Scout
    edited November 2023

    New response actions available

    For the device operations endpoint support for the following new operations is added:

    • assign profile
    • scan for malware
    • show message
    • turn on feature: debug logging
    • collect diagnostic file

    Two new fields are introduced: metadataParameters to POST response and metadata to GET response. Both serve the same purpose - to provide operation specific information. For example, collect diagnostic file returns fileId inside these objects, field which is used to identify diagnostic file.

    For more information and request examples consult endpoints documentation:

    • https://connect.withsecure.com/api-reference/elements#post-/devices/v1/operations
    • https://connect.withsecure.com/api-reference/elements#get-/devices/v1/operations
  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout

    New capabilities of Elements API

    Security Events Query endpoint supports new filters and response properties:

    • EPP security events contain device label. Label is only present in events that were created after administrator had added label to EPP device,
    • client can filter security events by targetId - id of EPP device or e-mail address of Office 365 user,
    • client can filter security events by acknowledgement status. To select only not acknowledged events client should add acknowledged=false to request parameters,
    • acknowledged events contains acknowledgement status:
      • acknowledge date,
      • name of user that acknowledged event.

    Clients can use special value no-value in anchor parameter to get first page. It might be useful in various No-code or low-code services

  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout

    Statistics of Security Events

    Elements API client can read statistics from query endpoint. When request contains HTTP header Accept: application/vnd.withsecure.aggr+json Elements API selects all events matching query parameters, groups events by selected property. In response client receives number of items in each group.


    curl -v -X POST
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.withsecure.aggr+json" -d "count=engine"
    -d "engineGroup=epp -d "persistenceTimestampStart=2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"

    Example cURL reads statistics for EPP security events that have been created after 2024-01-01. Client uses parameter count=engine to group events by property engine.

    "items" : [{
    "engine" : "manualScanning",
    "count" : 10
    }, {
    "engine" : "tamperProtection",
    "count" : 143
    }, {
    "engine" : "firewall",
    "count" : 17
    }, {
    "engine" : "deepGuard",
    "count" : 22
    } ]

    Received response contains information that API found 10 events from manualScanning, 143 events from tamperProtection, 17 from firewall and 22 events from deepGuard

    Elements API Cookbook contains example statistic request implemented in Python.

  • Milosz
    Milosz Posts: 17 Security Scout
    edited February 2024

    Device statistics

    Elements API client can read statistics of EPP devices from query endpoint. When request contains HTTP header Accept: application/vnd.withsecure.aggr+json Elements API selects all devices matching query parameters and depending on query parameters and groups items by selected property. If client requests histogram then API return statistics for last 30 days.

    Device count

    Elements API uses value of parameter count which represents name of property that is used to group devices by. In response API return list of items where each one represents different value of property and number of devices having such value.

    Example query like curl -v -X GET
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.withsecure.aggr+json"
    groups devices by property protectionStatus .

    "items" : [ { "count" : 1, "protectionStatus" : "isolated" } , { "count" : 16, "protectionStatus" : "malwareIssue" }, { "count" : 4, "protectionStatus" : "notConnected" }, { "count" : 88, "protectionStatus" : "protected" }, { "count" : 11, "protectionStatus" : "subscriptionExpired" } ]

    From response client can find that query found:

    • 1 device with protection status equal isolated
    • 16 devices with protection status equal malwareIssue
    • 4 devices with protection status equal notConnected
    • 88 devices with protection status equal protected
    • 11 devices with protection status equal subscriptionExpired

    Device histogram

    Elements API uses value of parameter histogram which represents name of property that is used to group devices by. In such case API return statistic for each day in last 30 day. Response contains list of items sorted in descending order where each element has format

    { "count": <number of devices>, <name of property>: <value of property>, "date": <statistic date> }

    Example query like curl -v -X GET
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.withsecure.aggr+json"
    generates histogram for property protectionStatus .

    "items" : [ { "count" : 1, "protectionStatus" : "isolated", "date": "2024-02-14"}, { "count" : 16, "protectionStatus" : "protected", "date": "2024-02-14"} , { "count" : 5, "protectionStatus" : "isolated", "date": "2024-02-13"}, { "count" : 12, "protectionStatus" : "protected", "date": "2024-02-13"} ]

    From response client can find that:

    • on 2024-02-14:
      • there was 1 device with protection status equal isolated
      • 16 devices with protection status equal protected
    • on 2024-02-13
      • there were 5 devices with protection status equal isolated
      • 12 devices with protection status equal protected
  • glusan
    glusan Staff Posts: 3 W/ Staff

    Device subscription change

    Elements API allows a solution provider to move an endpoint device from one subscription to another.

    Example query like curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https:// connect.withsecure.com /devices/v1/devices -d '{"subscriptionKey": "E43V-DE4H-U2X8-87L2-438V", "targets": ["ec8a0100-d313-4896-b3cb-02188e060bf3",1c49df1a-02d9-4bc4-91db-5609b80ad709]}

      "multistatus": [
          "target": "ec8a0100-d313-4896-b3cb-02188e060bf3",
          "status": 200
          "target": "1c49df1a-02d9-4bc4-91db-5609b80ad709",
          "status": 400,
          "details": "Product transition is not allowed"
      "transactionId": "0000-abcdef-1234"

    From response client can find which devices have been successfully moved to a new subscription, and which ones failed to do that and why.

  • glusan
    glusan Staff Posts: 3 W/ Staff

    List created response actions.

    Advance response action is a feature that allows responders to execute actions directly on attack targets when an attack is detected in order to aid with the incident investigation and containment.

    Listing of response actions with filtering is now available with Elements API.

    Example query like curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" https://api.connect.withsecure.com/response-actions/v1/responses?organizationId={organizationId}&order=asc

      "items": [
          "id": "18f99eba-81a0-4000-8b87-366b26bb7c01",
          "type": "string",
          "state": "created",
          "progress": {
            "devicesCount": 0,
            "pendingTasksCount": 0,
            "errorTasksCount": 0,
            "activeTasksCount": 0,
            "completedTasksCount": 0,
            "successfullyCompletedTasksCount": 0
          "createdTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
          "updatedTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
          "devices": [
              "deviceId": "18f99eba-81a0-4000-8ac9-f6243f1f6901"
          "author": {
            "id": "18f99eba-81a0-4000-8906-2164b4581501",
            "source": "oneId",
            "username": "string"
          "comment": "string",
          "result": "succeeded"
      "nextAnchor": "string"

    The response contains the list of created response actions for the organization. It contains action type, creation time, result and other parameters.

  • glusan
    glusan Staff Posts: 3 W/ Staff
    edited June 2024

    Create response actions

    Elements API allows a user with EDR subscription to create a response action.

    Example query like curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://connect.withsecure.com/response-actions/v1/response-actions -d '{"organizationId": "{organizationId}", "type": "netstat", "comment": "test", "targets": ["{deviceId}"], "parameters": {"maxFileHash": 10}}'

      id: "{actionId}"

    Response contains the id of created action.

    For more information about the parameters used, please use our API reference documentation.
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  • ArtoV
    ArtoV Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 7 W/ Product Leadership

    The latest Elements API release brings new incident sources from the incidents endpoint.

    There is a new query parameter <source> in the /incidents/v1/incidents endpoint.

    The <source> parameter can be one or many of these (separated by comma):

    • endpoint - The incident contains detections raised by endpoint events
    • cloud - The incident contains detections raised by cloud events
    • customer - The incident is a support request originated from the customer
    • endpointExpert - The incident was raised manually by the MDR service team

    If the <source> argument is not given, the incidents endpoints returns incidents from all possible sources.

    Please see the api definition for more details on the incident endpoint: https://connect.withsecure.com/api-reference/elements#get-/incidents/v1/incidents

  • ArtoV
    ArtoV Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 7 W/ Product Leadership

    New Endpoint: Retrieve Latest Database Versions

    We have introduced a new endpoint in the WithSecure Elements API that allows users to retrieve the latest versions of various databases. This endpoint provides up-to-date information on the current versions of databases used within the WithSecure Elements platform.

    Endpoint: GET /databases/v1/latest-versions


    • Purpose: Check the latest versions of databases
    • Response: Returns a list of databases along with their latest version numbers.
    • Usage: Ideal for ensuring that your systems are using the most current database versions for optimal security and performance.

    For more information, please refer to the API documentation.

  • ArtoV
    ArtoV Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 7 W/ Product Leadership
    edited December 2024

    Bugfix in the query devices endpoint (firewallState field)

    A bugfix has been released in the query devices endpoint (GET /devices/v1/devices). Previously the response enum field firewallState contained a value "disabledMacos" while the correct and documented spelling is "disabledMacOs". With the latest release the spelling in the response has been fixed and is now "disabledMacOs" (capital O as in Os).

  • ArtoV
    ArtoV Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 7 W/ Product Leadership
    edited January 21

    Identity response actions

    New identity response actions have been released.

    The new actions are enabling management of Microsoft Entra. The actions are:

    • endCurrentSession
    • resetPassword
    • blockUserAccess

    See the details and examples of the new Elements API features from the API documentation.


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