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How to check what version of virus definitions are currently installed with the Windows Command line

Matzikus Posts: 2 Security Scout
edited October 15 in Business Suite

How to check what versions of virus definitions are currently installed on WithSecure Server Security 16.00 (and above) with the Windows command line?

The described solution in the article 000018421 with the tool "fs_oneclient_info" does not work anymore, because this tool is no longer available.

Is there another possibility?

Best Answer

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 288 W/ Moderator

    Hi @Matzikus

    Thank you for reaching out the WithSecure Support,

    To access the information for Client Security/Server Security Version 16, please utilize the following command:

    PS C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Client Security> .\fs_oneclient_command.exe --productinfo

    PS C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Server Security> .\fs_oneclient_command.exe --productinfo

    I hope the above is useful to you. Should you need any further questions or concerns, you can reply to us here.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer


  • Matzikus
    Matzikus Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Hi Sethu,

    thanks, works fine!

    Best regards,

This discussion has been closed.
