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Can't download update definitions with https

Vianney Member Posts: 3 Security Scout

We use WS Business Suite (Security Prenium) and until my certificate expires, definition updates was working fine.

I had updated fspms.jks with new one, can connect to my server with https protocol with firefox, and certificate chain is good. But updates doesnt work.

I have temporaly switch in HTTP in order to make the updates, but I want to get back to https

Thank you for help

Best Answer

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 543 W/ Moderator

    Hi @Vianney ,

    It might be that root and intermediate certs were not included in the pkcs12 file as article recommends. 

    Another option is to import CA cert to the PM DB as recommended in the article.

    As you are using PM Proxy, can you run "fspmp-enroll-tls-certificate.bat" script located in the Policy Manager Proxy Server installation folder ?

