PSB Workstation scanning email from exchange server

StevenGE Posts: 11 Security Scout
Hi, we have some users with an exchange server or Office365 using the MAPI protocol. how can we scan the emails for spam and malware in this case? thanks


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello StevenGE,


    Unfortunately, MAPI protocol is not supported by current versions of E-mail scanning and E-mail filtering. Malware in attachment will be detected when you try to open/save it.

    Scanning for spam is not possible at all for this protocol.


    Best regards,


  • StevenGE
    StevenGE Posts: 11 Security Scout
    Hi, thanks for your reply. is it in the pipleline for future versions? thanks
  • NickJ
    NickJ Posts: 29 Junior Protector
    I couldn't agree more, TKV. Relying on a product like PSB on the endpoint to protect users from malicious mails is far from ideal.

    A dedicated (preferably hosted) service that stops the mails reaching any part of your system is preferable by a long way.
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