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Change F-Secure PSB Server Security license key locally

F-Slatan Posts: 2 Security Scout


Customer's server motherboard failed and was replaced. After replacement Hyper-V host claimed that license key is no longer valid. Choice between uninstalling and re-keying had to be made. I chose re-keying by creating a trial-key and activating with it.

The virtual server server itself is still on old license key.

How can this trial-key be inserted to the virtual server's PSB Server Security so that the license team can fix the trial key's expiration time to what has been paid for.

I could not find a place from the local interface where to change the license key while the old is still valid.



  • F-Slatan
    F-Slatan Posts: 2 Security Scout


    Though finding it from server 2012 and R2 is not so obvious... Smiley Embarassed

    Thanks anyway!

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