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New portal: is it possible to "lose" some profiles?

Hi all,

could I kindly ask you if you ever faced a situation where, after the migration to the new PSB Portal, you have "lost" some of the profiles that you had in the old portal?


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka W/ Member Posts: 236 Threat Terminator



    due to moving of companies from one solution  provider to another solution provider, there is a risk that some profiles still used by the computers are profiles owned by the old solution provider. You have not been able to edit these profiles, but old portal has allowed use of these profiles. This kind of profiles won't get migrated to the new portal.


    All the old profiles are still in the database. If you contact our support with details of your solution provider and possible profile names that you have lost, we can verify the situation and see what is the best way to fix it for you.



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