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PSB Workstation Profile Firewall configuration for Spiceworks



I need some help opening these ports and protocols in order for a Spiceworks application to collect information form rempote computers:


  • ICMPv4 Inbound and Outbound - This is needed so that Spiceworks can discover the devices on your network; it is more commonly known as the PING command. There are a number of types of ping commands that can be permitted or blocked by various firewalls. Generally, you will want to permit commands 0, 3, 8 and 11.
  • TCP Ports 135 and 445 Inbound - This is needed for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) which Spiceworks uses to get detailed information about Windows computers.
  • UDP Port 137 Inbound - This is needed so that Spiceworks can gather information from the Windows Registry.

Please advise on the PSB portal profile configuration.


Thank you.




  • Laksh
    Laksh W/ Alumni Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Eric,


    Please open a support ticket with our team so that they can assist you with your Firewall configuration.


  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy W/ Alumni Posts: 179 Threat Terminator



    Have you checked this post at Spiceworks: Even though it gives instructions how to configure firewall rules in F-Secure Policy Manager, you will hopefully get the idea how to create them in PSB Profile Editor.




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