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Profile migration to new portal

ridgway90 Posts: 1 Security Scout

Hi guys,


Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of how to go about migrating profiles from the old portal to the new.

The old portal works fine but I get the following message


Your Solution Provider has not yet enabled the profile editor in the new PSB portal. Assigning of the profiles will be available in here once they choose to migrate the profiles from the old portal to new. In the meantime you can assign/create/edit computer profiles in the old portal:

If you are a Solution Provider and see this message, it is because migration is not available at the moment.


Is there another portal we need to log into to set this up?


Thanks in advance


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello ridgway90, 

    Sorry for the delay in the reply.

    Are you a end customer/company or a solution provider on our PSB portal? 

    You might want to contact your solution provider or reseller so they can proceed to make the migration on their ends.

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