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Upcoming Feature: PSB Email Reports

antti-fsecure W/ Alumni Posts: 8 W/ Former Staff

Hi all,


We're currently implementing a new feature, and we thought that you might want to comment on the content of the feature. Attached below is the feature (email) design. I hope you have a look and give your feedback in this thread. 


A few questions to think about:

1. Are these the correct report sections? Is this good report content?

2. How often do you think you would want to receive such a report as an email?

3. Are emails a good medium to use to report to you about the F-Secure Protection Service for Business?


Also, please do note that we still retain the final say on design. 

Screen Shot 2016-12-30 at 11.51.13.pngDesign


















































Looking forward to hearing what you think of the concept. 



- Antti Tevanlinna, Product Owner, PSB


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp W/ Alumni Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    You may design what ever you like, but a HTML Report via e-Mail is a No Go!
    Also it will be a NoGo if it contains any tracking features!

    Statistics are nice in general, but the larger the basis (number of devices) the more are constanly outdated.
    What does 75% mean? 25% are badly configured? 25% are on vacation?

    I need to know: "How many systems have reported back their current status today and are still outdated on the second or third update of the status" (the first status might always show "outdated") so you need to wait for the next one (and hope that the system has not been shut down since the first update).


    You see: reports are nice, but without a propper interpretation pretty useless.



  • antti-fsecure
    antti-fsecure W/ Alumni Posts: 8 W/ Former Staff

    Hello Matthias,


    I hope this year will be a good one for you. Also a very big thanks for taking part in the discussion. I would hope to open up the feature design more to our community in the future. Let us see what we can accomplish. 


    There's one important principle where we try to stick to with this "email reports" feature. That is to remind that the solution is still working. It is the high-level and the retroactive view. 


    The intent is that all the security monitoring and "calls to action" happen in the Protection Service for Business Portal. Of course the actions are started there too. That's why it is likely that we are not planning to extend this particular feature toward that use. 


    You do however have a very valid point about "what do these numbers really mean" and the interpretation. I'll add a separate story for conveying that notion explicitly. 


    So: Thank you for the comments. It was helpful to receive those.


    - Antti 

  • Jachym1
    Jachym1 W/ Member Posts: 5 Junior Protector


    shortly only. It is Delta time much mor important from admin point of view because  long Delta computers probably have some problem compared to user on vacation which is switched off two weeks but still OK whenewer it is powered on again.




  • antti-fsecure
    antti-fsecure W/ Alumni Posts: 8 W/ Former Staff



    Thanks for the input. 


    Would you like to follow up on the security status via email?


    We've by now taken the design principle that security monitoring and keeping up with the current status happens by visiting the Portal. We feel we can offer a much more fluent way of presenting data and drilling into things. At the same time, I can appreciate some would want the security status via email too. 


    Best Regards,

    - Antti

This discussion has been closed.
