Unknown computers

Anders4 Posts: 2 Security Scout


I am managing F-secure PSB Workstation Security on 44 computers in three countries. Some of the devices in the online portal is unknown to me.


Is there any way I can figure out who uses these computers?

Is it possible to contact a certain user, or fint out if there is an e-mail address associated with the installation?


Best regards

Anders, Norway


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    You can delete the unknown computers centrally, in the webportal and then they cannot be re-activated with the same 20-digit keycode any more.


    Probably someone saw the 20-digit PSB keycode in the office computer and sliently took it home. The PSB for Windows install kit is downloadable from the open web, supplying an e-mail address is not needed.


    (Other AV vendors act smarter, for example the 20-digit code is transformed into a 32-digit code upon entry, so it cannot be watched in the local GUI afterwards and simply copied for un-authorized home use. I wish F-Secure Corp. implemented a similar defence for its keycodes.)


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • Anders4
    Anders4 Posts: 2 Security Scout

    The problem is that I think some of these insatllations is actually on the companys computers. But I don't know what all the companys computes are called. Is there any way to distinguish between the companys computers and personal computers?


    Best regards


  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 2 Firewall Master

    Hej Anders!


    Here are some tips for you.

    Make a list of company computers.

    And employees, who have rights logging in. Clear up the rights.

    Maintain the list.

    If you can use kommandotolk, there is possible to follow prosessies.

    Ask for companys staff, what are you doing.

    For information: det finns också norska dokumenter här på Community sidor, How-to & FAQs och sedan  språk (norsk).

    Med hälsning




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