chrome extensions crash



  • farmersLSD
    farmersLSD Posts: 23 Security Scout

    What do we reference for the fix?  Would this thread work?  I also have a ticket in currently, but haven't received a response in about a week.  Should I just respond to that?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello farmersLSD,


    Yes, please respond in this thread.


    Best regards,


  • farmersLSD
    farmersLSD Posts: 23 Security Scout

    Response from support:

    "Thank you for your reply, our developers continue working on the hotfix as the latest version still faced some issues, I was waiting for them to release the final version in order to provide you with it, however if you would like to try the current version of the hotfix I will be happy to provide the files and steps to deploy it."


    I have not received the files yet, as I have just responded, but it doesn't sound like it's fixed, anyway, so not sure how to proceed yet.  I also don't know if this solution is deployable on a large scale, etc..

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello farmersLSD,


    Latest version of the hotfix (F-Secure Internet Shield 9.00 Hotfix 3)
    was released 26.06. It doesn't have any known issues. We are currently in the stage of collecting the feedback from customers.

    As soon as we'll get enough confirmations, that the fix works, we'll proceed with official publishing of the hotfix on our website (for Client Security), and in the channel (for PSB).


    Best regards,


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello everybody,


    Hotfix for Client Security 12.x is now published on the website:

    Publishing multifixes for PSB is in progress.


    Please, note, hotfix/multifix installation doesn't request restart of the host, but it is required to complete fix installation.


    Best regards,


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

    Dear Vad,


    So far I only see 12.20 (2016 Dec) hotfixes on the referred website, even after refreshing the browser cache. I wonder if the website's synchronization takes place overnight, so the new content is not yet public?


    Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely:

    Tamas Feher, 2F 2000 Kft., Hungary.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Tamas,


    You don't see:

    F-Secure Client Security Premium 12.x Firewall Hotfix 3
    July 03, 2017

    This hotfix fixes crashes of Chrome browser in Client Security 12.x.

    Note: System restart is not requested by the hotfix, but is required to complete the fix installation.


    Very strange... I will recheck.


    Best regards,


  • 1A-support
    1A-support Posts: 1 Security Scout

    Is there any indication on when this fix will be added to the main branch ?

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    The hotfix is now visible on the F-Secure public website.


    Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • Silvrav
    Silvrav Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Have this happening from today as well.


    updated adnd then boom...cant use chrome

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Silvrav,


    What F-Secure product/version do you have?

    If you have Client Security 12.x, do you install the public hotfix already? And do you restart your machine(s) after installation.

    If you have PSB Workstation Security 12.01, please, check the status of multifix MF02 installation in local GUI Settings > Other Settings > Downloads. Make sure, that you machines were restarted after its installation.


    Best regards,


  • Silvrav
    Silvrav Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Have F secure client premium


    f secure updates.PNG


    Thats what is under other settings -> download

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    You need to install public hotfix from our website:


    F-Secure Client Security Premium 12.x Firewall Hotfix 3


    • Install the hotfix;
    • Restart the computer.
  • Silvrav
    Silvrav Posts: 4 Security Scout

    but why did it work all this time and then all a sudden it stopped working?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    There could be many reasons:

    - new version of Chrome

    - machine/network/OS configuration change


  • Silvrav
    Silvrav Posts: 4 Security Scout

    ugh ok...busy dl


  • Hello,


    In our enterprise, the hotfix worked for a few days, but after a windows 10 (1703) update, Chrome crashed again. 

    We haven't the time to reinstall the hotfix after all windows updates.

    Our users will no longer do windows update because they know that Chrome will not work anymore after the update !

    Have you a sustainable solution ?


    Thank you.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Cordially,


    We didn't receive any reports, that the hotfix doesn't work as expected. You report is the first one.

    We do not have any new solution at the moment.

    Please, contact support. We will need F-Secure Internet Shield debug logs, crash screenshots, and other diagnostics information from affected machines for investigation.


    Best regards,


  • Hello,


    I have send the FSDiag to your support yesterday, I wait for the response.

    This morning, users tell us that after the Windows 1703 Update (KB4025342), Chrome crashed again.

    I launch manually the hotfix afer the update, but it said me that it's already installed.


    Thank you for your support.




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    You don't need to reinstall the hotfix after Windows updates. It is kept in the system. But seems that it doesn't help in your case for some reason.

    We will check the fsdiag, and most likely contact you for additional information.


    Best regards,


  • TerjeF
    TerjeF Posts: 5 Security Scout

    I experienced the crash on my own PC today. I installed the hotfix when it was made available. Restart PC/Windows, and Chrome works again.

    I'm starting to get really frustrated about this.

  • farmersLSD
    farmersLSD Posts: 23 Security Scout

    When will this be included in the base client install?  We've have been seeing on a few machines that have been isntalled  since we pushed this hotfix, so we have installed individually on those having the issue, but would be nice if it was part of the base install.

  • UA_NRC
    UA_NRC Posts: 3 Security Scout

    CRashing. Still. After reinstallation of Chrome  after F-Secure, it works till reboot. After - crashed again, though added  to the exclusions and  Chrome plug in was deselected.  Frustrating in the network with 100 PCs. Ocasional instances all over

  • Same problem here.

    Even after patching F-Secure, problem is still present.

    I have tested a lot and a lot of solution.

    After a Windows update, chrome is crashing.

    It is necessary to reboot the computers about 1, 2 or 4 times after Chrome starts without crashing.

    I tell this at the support all of the days.

    Everyday, we have a lot of users who contacting us to tell us that Chrome is crashing.

    Actually we are testing to disable F-Secure firewall. We are waiting to test the problem.

    If the new version of Client Security (12.40) isn't resolving the problem, we will change the antivirus to another like Sophos.

    And i don't speak of an other problem, today the update manager of F-Secure puts buggy updates of Windows 10 (1607 and 1703) , and a lot of our computers are now blocked to a BSOD "inaccessible boot device".

    We are forced to used DISM to delete windows upates buggy packages ...

    Enouth is enouth, we havn't the time to play with this and spend lot of hours to debug one or the other problem (and also to send lots of diagnostics to F-Secure supports)

    If all of this still continue, we will be obliged to change our Antivirus to other concurrent ...



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello everybody,


    We are currently working on a new fix for Chrome crashes. Hopefully it will be available soon (in a few weeks).

    Meanwhile, from our experience, the fastest workaround is to run chrome network installer. Restart is not required.


    Best regards,


  • UA_NRC
    UA_NRC Posts: 3 Security Scout

    After updates, it works now. But we are not sure if Chrome updates will not  destroy the balance.  As well other browsers are working. By now well done.

  • Thanks for the support.

    We are waiting for the hotfix hoping it will be final and it will work over time.



  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > We are currently working on a new fix for Chrome crashes. Hopefully it will be available soon (in a few weeks).


    Is it true that the so-called "fix" will involve removing the proprietary "F-Secure Internet Shield" personal firewall module from the client side protection and replace it with the built-in Microsoft firewall?


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Tamas,


    No. We are fixing F-Secure Internet Shield (Firewall) module binaries. Fix will be available for CS 12.x and PSB WKS 12.01.


    Best regards,


  • UA_NRC
    UA_NRC Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Firefox was blocked as well. check-boxes for selecting  autoupdater  software- were deselected and not active. Is it corporate settings update  or F-Secure "feature". F-Safe demo worked fine for a month. no claims.


This discussion has been closed.
