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Support for Windows Server 2016

NickJ Posts: 29 Junior Protector



When will there be a version of the PSB client that is supported on Windows Server 2016?


Is there a beta or preview version avaialable that I can opt-in to install as a test?








  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello NickJ, 


    Our teams are still finalizing PSB ESS/SS 12.10 that will support Windows server 2016.

    The current target for release is Q1 2017. 


    ESS/SS 12.10 which also compatible with  Win2016 in the Business Suite has been released last week. 


  • Tiem-Roth
    Tiem-Roth Posts: 3 Security Scout

    any news on  the release of support on 2016 ?


  • Tiem-Roth
    Tiem-Roth Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Aha - already there - Sorry!

This discussion has been closed.
