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Patch management for MAC computers?

Jas007 Posts: 2 Security Scout



We are testing F secure in our school.

Nice feature build in "patch management" where you can update third part software is very handy for our windows machines, but 70 % of our clients are with MAC and iPad/iPhone devices.


Is there any future plan to include patch management feature for MacOS/iOS in F Secure?


Thanx in advance



  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Jas007,


    I checked with the PSB product team about your question. Regarding the Patch Management for Mac, this is under planning. There are no timelines for that yet.


    However, there are no plans for the patching for mobile phones.

  • Jas007
    Jas007 Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Thanx for answer Laksh

This discussion has been closed.
