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PSB » (« Protection Service for Business »). vs F-secure server security

Vince2 W/ Alumni Posts: 1 Security Scout
We must renew or F-secure server secrurity. we are a school.
We have 3 servers doted with F-Secure server security, we use for the management the Policy manager et we just renew or f-secure client security licences (154 licences for 3 years).
Our intermediate, for cost reason, propose us to use PSB.
Is it an interesant altenative ?
With PSB, we can use our licences client ?
PSb is doted with a management tool is it the same than policy manager ?
Our servers would have the same protection  ?
Thanks for your  answords


  • Laksh
    Laksh W/ Alumni Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Vince2,


    As far as the licenses are concerned, your current license for Client Security cannot be used for PSB as they are different products.


    PSB has a Management portal through which you can manage your client settings/licenses/manage reports/check for status/etc. More information about that can be found here. Please have a look.


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