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I installed fspsbwks-12.01.283_PSB1-v5 .. panic

TecnoMirko Posts: 1 Security Scout

Hi I installed last version in 2 different lan.

In the first case, I had problem with oulook that used IMAP whit internal mail server, normally I had a "problem" with CA (of server) but I confirm outlook pop-up, and mail in and out are ok. After install no pop-up and error of outlook. Only with disable real-time email controll restart correct.

In second case, same configuration for mail but, no problem! but after installation there was error with add-on for chrome and no browser pages opens. There are other strange error: no possibile connect to server and no install a programm after this installation..

Concluding .. disater experince... someone has had same problem?


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    F-Secure's FSAVCS  / FSAV PSB products are unable to check e-mail traffic when the mail server and mail client use encryption to talk to each other on the network, instead of plain-text protocol. For example, Thunderbird e-mail client tries to use encrypted connection by default. In such cases it is necessary to disable the mail virus scanning module in FSAV.


    Furthermore, workstation-side F-Secure protection is unable to check e-mail between Exchange Server and Office Outlook client. For that purpose, you need "F-Secure E-mail and Server Security 12" installed on the Exchange host.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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