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PSB installation pb

Yo1821 Posts: 2 Security Scout



I manage 20 computer with the F-Secure PSB Workstation Security


2 computers ask me question. I have "waiting connecting"  (global cprotection" and Unknow)


I have the same OS than the 18 other and the same configuration


Do you have an idea ?






  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Yo1821,


    Most likely something is wrong either with communication between computer and management portal  (note that https port 443 should be opened for communication), or with the product installation.

    We need more information for investigation. Please, contact support.


    Best regards,



  • Yo1821
    Yo1821 Posts: 2 Security Scout


    Why kind of information do you need ?

    We are a small company with 20-25 computer.


    We only have windows 10 and 10 pro§.

    We have a small freebox 8Mo 


    I just need if it's firewall or another programm which block f-secure


    Best regards


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    General information, collected by support tool (included in the product), should be enough for investigation.


    Best regards,


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