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12.01.283_PSB1-v5 not registering on PSB1

Jan-Eric Member Posts: 16 Cyber Knight

I recently installed 12.01.283_PSB1-v5 on a Windows 10 computer as I have done several times with no issues. But this one does not show up on PSB portal.

I have uninstalled F-Secure with tool, cleard list of removed computers in PSB and reinstalled -> does not show up in PSB.

I then reinstalled Windows 10 from scratch, cleard list of removed computers in PSB and installed 12.01.283_PSB1-v4 (previous release) -> does not show up in PSB.


  • Jan-Eric
    Jan-Eric Member Posts: 16 Cyber Knight

    Problem solved by it self, it took almost 24 hours before the client appeared in PSB!

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