Windows clients with Computer Protection don't get assigned/updated profile

MattiasN Posts: 10 Security Scout


I wonder if anyone has the same problem.
We are currently replacing our old AV with F-Secure PSB and are in the middle of testing features before we depoly it internally and to on our customers (we are a provider).


But we have an issue with the Computer Protection clients, they get the default profile assigned but when i assingn another policy it just says "Pending" and when i run an operation on the clients they get stuck on "Waiting for the device to connect".
The odd thing is that PSB Portal have registred the clients without issuses, they have a valid connection timestamp, initial software update scan works and regestring missing updates without problems, but anything after that is dark. :/


F-Secure PSB Workstation Security v12 works without any issues on the same clients.


I have tested on following OSes


Windows 7 Pro SP1

Windows 8.1 Enterprise

Windows 10 Enterprise build 1607

Hope someone can shed some light on this



  • MikaArasola
    MikaArasola Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 88 W/ Product Leadership

    As an update, the service restart helped and atleast my own tests passed. Please notice that even if you see some operations that were created before the restart in a "waiting for device to connect" state you will most probably have to execute them again.



    We will continue investigating what the root cause was and try to ensure it does not happen again.

  • MattiasN
    MattiasN Posts: 10 Security Scout

    Thanks for your help.

    Works like a charm now :)

  • MikaArasola
    MikaArasola Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 88 W/ Product Leadership

    It seems the operations got stuck again Tuesday morning and were fixed again last night. Unfortunately the backend does not include sufficient logging to have a certainty why this is happening (and only on but our developers felt quite confident that they have now fixed the root cause and the fix will be included in a release coming out next week.

This discussion has been closed.
