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[FSLS] How to change keycode in cmdline or through webui (standalone)

spaillet Posts: 5 Contributor

Hello, I haven't found any information about how to change license key on a standalone installation already registered. I must change the license key, but I don't want to uninstall / reinstall to put keycode in parameter. Not really user friendly... Is there a method to change it in commandline ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Version: fsls 11.10
  • Mode: standalone
  • Webui: local


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205

    Hi Spaillet,

    License renewal is a documentation procedure only, and there is no renewal work need to do on the system side (If the license key code does not change, you do not need to re-register).

    Unless, if you were using an older version of the product, then you need to upgrade the product and apply the newer license.  

  • spaillet
    spaillet Posts: 5 Contributor

    Hello Monika,

    Yes, unfortunately I received from my colleague a new license key (it changed, I don't know why) that I need to change on two workstations.

    If I try to update with the command below, I have this message : "Keycode has already been entered. Product is running in fully licensed mode"

    ./fsls-11.10.68 --auto standalone lang=fr noremotewui nolocallogin keycode=my_new_keycode

    How can I do without to unsinstall / reinstall it please ?

  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205

    Hi Spaillet,

    For LS 11, there are generally only 2 key codes:

    1) for command-line only 

    2) for WEB UI only. 

    If you are using command-line, then you want to change from what to what keycode? 

    Because only one unique activation keycode exists for LS for Command-line.

  • spaillet
    spaillet Posts: 5 Contributor

    Hello Monika,

    Sorry for the delay to answer :( Meanwhile, I found why I received a new keycode from my colleague. We have to change the version we use to jump to v14 64bits. The new code is for this product :)

    Now, my Policy Manager is installed on a CentOS server without window display, and I try to launch the policy manager console from ssh with x forward, without success for now to be honnest :( I'll create a new post if I can't find any solution to my problem.

    Thank you so much for your help

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