Elements Agent for Mac Changelog



  • kukushechkin
    kukushechkin Posts: 32 W/ Former Staff

    F-Secure CP&RDR upgrade to WithSecure™ Element Agent 22.3.45064 started for clients participating in Early Access

    New features and noticeable changes:

    • Product is now rebranded as WithSecure™ Elements Agent
    • New GUI:
      • redesigned menubar agent now contains uptodate protection status
      • there is no longer a separate app with product status
      • local product settings are now available in menubar, System Preferences pane is no longer installed with the product
    • WithSecure™ Elements Agent no longer requires Rosetta2 on Apple Silicon Macs
    • Single installer is now working with different Elements production environments based on the activation key
  • BogdanT
    BogdanT Staff Posts: 7 W/ Staff

    F-Secure CP&RDR upgrade to WithSecure™ Element Agent 22.3.46135 started for clients participating in Early Access

    Fixed known issues: 

    • Fixed bugs with checkboxes in Malware Protection & Privacy Tabs in Preferences.
    • Fixed breaking network interfaces after enabling network isolation
    • No product components require Rosetta any longer
    • Fixed menubar crashes

  • BogdanT
    BogdanT Staff Posts: 7 W/ Staff

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 22.3.46135 has now rolled to all release channels and is available for all customers.

  • BogdanT
    BogdanT Staff Posts: 7 W/ Staff
    edited November 2022

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 22.4.47309 started for clients participating in Early Access

    Added features:

    • New security postures

    Fixed issues:

    • Fix for our login items displayed as from "unidentified developer" in Ventura
    • Various fixes for endpoint security
    • Various stability fixes

  • BogdanT
    BogdanT Staff Posts: 7 W/ Staff

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 22.4.47309 has rolled out to Production

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership
    edited June 2023

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 23.1.50165 started for clients participating in Early Access

    This release introduces new features and fixes, if interested enable Early access to client software in General Settings of your profile for selected endpoints. Full availability starts one week later and takes some days to reach all customers.


    • Software Updater

    Software Updater can be enabled in the profile editor.

    You can specify which software you would like to include/exclude from scan results or automatic installations

    Running applications can be force-closed or update installation can be cancelled. 

    Software updates can be downloaded via HTTP proxy or from Elements Connector 

    Software updater can scan for missing software or install updates automatically, these operations can be scheduled in the Automated tasks section of the profile.

    • Automatic InTune deployment support
    • Adds an option to download definition updates from via HTTP
    • macOS 10.15 Catalina is no longer supported

    WithSecure™ Element Agent is compatible with the following versions:

    • macOS 11 Big Sur
    • macOS 12 Monterey
    • macOS 13 Ventura

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership
    edited May 2023

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 23.1.50165 has now rolled out to Production and is available for all customers.

  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Staff, Community Manager Posts: 395 Threat Terminator

    Apple will released macOS 14 “Sonoma” on September 26th 2023, and currently this version is not yet supported by WithSecure products.

    Read all the updates here: https://community.withsecure.com/en/kb/articles/31210-withsecure-products-and-macos-14-sonoma

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 23.2.51507 has now rolled out to Production and is available for all customers.

    Added features:

    • macOS 14 Sonoma support was added
    • Auditd is now enabled automatically if it is required for the sensor (reboot is required)

    Fixed issues:

    • Definitions updates on Sonoma are now properly downloaded and installed
    • Support tool no longer requests for the FDA
    • Firefox browser extension installation button now leads to the correct version
    • Eicar is now detected even before initial definitions update

    WithSecure™ Element Agent is compatible with the following versions:

    • macOS 11 Big Sur
    • macOS 12 Monterey
    • macOS 13 Ventura
    • macOS 14 Sonoma

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership
    edited April 4

    In the middle of April, we will start to roll out WithSecure™ Elements Agent 24.1 for the clients who participate in our Early Access program. To prepare for this change, follow the instructions published in the previous pre-announcement: https://community.withsecure.com/en/kb/articles/31284-pre-announcement-new-withsecure-client-for-macos

    Please note that MDM profiles for the WithSecure System Extension has been updated with the RemovableSystemExtensions section to allow seamless uninstallation of F-Secure System Extension during the migration. Please adjust the profile accordingly.

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership
    edited April 15

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 24.1.51782 started for clients participating in Early Access

    This release introduces new features and fixes, if interested enable Early access to client software in General Settings of your profile for selected endpoints. Full availability starts one week later and takes some days to reach all customers.

    Actions required:

    MDM profiles must be updated as instructed on page Pre-Announcement: New WithSecure client for macOS

    Added features:

    • This release introduces new WithSecure Elements agent update mechanisms. We are taking into use backend services that are completely distinct from the services used by F-Secure products. Therefore this release also introduces new server addresses where the endpoints connect to. Switch to the new backend services happens like the usual automatic endpoint upgrade and will require full definitions download.
    • The product is now signed with WithSecure signature and installed to the new location:
      • /Library/WithSecure (instead of /Library/F-Secure used for earlier versions)
      • /Applications/WithSecure (instead of /Applications/F-Secure used for earlier versions)
      • activator tool is now moved to /Library/WithSecure/bin/activator
    • Background connectivity checker tool is now added to the product. Client now detects and reports connectivity issues to the Element Security Center to highlight Firewall misconfiguration to the administrator.
    • Elements Agent is now using the new Browsing Protection extensions. If you use MDM or group policies to manage browser extensions it is recommended to allow or preinstall these extensions as instructed on page Pre-Announcement: New WithSecure client for macOS
    • Auditd is not required for the sensor to function on Sonoma and we will gradually reduce dependency on auditd on older OS versions.

    Fixed issues:

    • Performance degradation on macOS Sonoma is now fixed.

    WithSecure™ Element Agent is compatible with the following versions:

    • macOS 12 Monterey
    • macOS 13 Ventura
    • macOS 14 Sonoma

    Dropped functionality:

    • macOS 11 Big Sur support is discontinued. Elements Agent won't be upgraded on Big Sur and older OS versions and will remain running the previous product version until its end of life. WithSecure recommends upgrading these endpoints to macOS 12 or above to ensure uninterrupted service. Please upgrade Elements Agent manually if the version running is 22.4 and older. Versions 23.1 and newer will be upgraded automatically.

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership
    edited May 21

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 24.1.51865 started for clients participating in Early Access

    This release introduces new features and fixes, if interested enable Early access to client software in General Settings of your profile for selected endpoints. This release replaces the previous update issued to Early access on the 15th April 2024. Based on feedback we have received, full availability starts in two weeks so that customers have more time to adjust MDM rules in relation to this release.

    Actions required:

    MDM profiles must be updated as instructed on page Pre-Announcement: New WithSecure client for macOS

    Added features:

    • Fix for upgrade issues identified with 24.1.51782 Early access release.
    • This release introduces new WithSecure Elements agent update mechanisms. We are taking into use backend services that are completely distinct from the services used by F-Secure products. Therefore this release also introduces new server addresses where the endpoints connect to. Switch to the new backend services happens like the usual automatic endpoint upgrade and will require full definitions download.
    • The product is now signed with WithSecure signature and installed to the new location:
      • /Library/WithSecure (instead of /Library/F-Secure used for earlier versions)
      • /Applications/WithSecure (instead of /Applications/F-Secure used for earlier versions)
      • activator tool is now moved to /Library/WithSecure/bin/activator
    • Background connectivity checker tool is now added to the product. Client now detects and reports connectivity issues to the Element Security Center to highlight Firewall misconfiguration to the administrator.
    • Elements Agent is now using the new Browsing Protection extensions. If you use MDM or group policies to manage browser extensions it is recommended to allow or preinstall these extensions as instructed on page Pre-Announcement: New WithSecure client for macOS
    • Auditd is not required for the sensor to function on Sonoma and we will gradually reduce dependency on auditd on older OS versions.

    Fixed issues:

    • Performance degradation on macOS Sonoma is now fixed.

    WithSecure™ Element Agent is compatible with the following versions:

    • macOS 12 Monterey
    • macOS 13 Ventura
    • macOS 14 Sonoma

    Dropped functionality:

    • macOS 11 Big Sur support is discontinued. Elements Agent won't be upgraded on Big Sur and older OS versions and will remain running the previous product version until its end of life. WithSecure recommends upgrading these endpoints to macOS 12 or above to ensure uninterrupted service. Please upgrade Elements Agent manually if the version running is 22.4 and older. Versions 23.1 and newer will be upgraded automatically.

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership
    edited May 21

    WithSecure™ Element Agent 24.1.52031 started for clients participating in Early Access

    This release introduces new features and fixes, if interested enable Early access to client software in General Settings of your profile for selected endpoints. This release replaces the previous update issued to Early access on the 22nd April 2024. Full availability starts one week later and takes some days to reach all customers.

    Actions required:

    MDM profiles must be updated as instructed on page Pre-Announcement: New WithSecure client for macOS

    You can update products deployed by MDM using the first time installer.

    Added features:

    • Fix for upgrade and activation issues identified with 24.1.51865 Early access release.
    • This release introduces new WithSecure Elements agent update mechanisms. We are taking into use backend services that are completely distinct from the services used by F-Secure products. Therefore this release also introduces new server addresses where the endpoints connect to. Switch to the new backend services happens like the usual automatic endpoint upgrade and will require full definitions download.
    • The product is now signed with WithSecure signature and installed to the new location:
      • /Library/WithSecure (instead of /Library/F-Secure used for earlier versions)
      • /Applications/WithSecure (instead of /Applications/F-Secure used for earlier versions)
      • activator tool is now moved to /Library/WithSecure/bin/activator
    • Background connectivity checker tool is now added to the product. Client now detects and reports connectivity issues to the Element Security Center to highlight Firewall misconfiguration to the administrator.
    • Elements Agent is now using the new Browsing Protection extensions. If you use MDM or group policies to manage browser extensions it is recommended to allow or preinstall these extensions as instructed on page Pre-Announcement: New WithSecure client for macOS
    • Auditd is not required for the sensor to function on Sonoma and we will gradually reduce dependency on auditd on older OS versions.

    Fixed issues:

    • Performance degradation on macOS Sonoma is now fixed.
    • Slack performance is now improved.

    WithSecure™ Element Agent is compatible with the following versions:

    • macOS 12 Monterey
    • macOS 13 Ventura
    • macOS 14 Sonoma

    Dropped functionality:

    • macOS 11 Big Sur support is discontinued. Elements Agent won't be upgraded on Big Sur and older OS versions and will remain running the previous product version until its end of life. WithSecure recommends upgrading these endpoints to macOS 12 or above to ensure uninterrupted service. Please upgrade Elements Agent manually if the version running is 22.4 and older. Versions 23.1 and newer will be upgraded automatically.

  • core
    core Staff Posts: 6 W/ Staff
    edited July 3

    WithSecure™ Elements Agent macOS 24.1.52031 has now rolled out to Production and is available for all customers.

  • AleksandrG
    AleksandrG Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 110 W/ Product Leadership

    A new version of the Ultralight Core update, part of the Windows endpoint client, is available and our Early access program participants will start seeing it starting on 26.06.2024. Full availability starts one week later, 03.07.2024.

    With this release, we are removing the ORSP service (fsulorsp) and corresponding executables (fsorsp.exe / fsorsp64.exe). This should have no affect for customers, but any custom agent monitoring in place might be affected, as this change might break healthchecks.

  • core
    core Staff Posts: 6 W/ Staff

    WithSecure Elements Agent macOS 24.2.52332 has been released to our early access customers on 2nd of July 2024. As usual, full availability will start week later.

    This release addresses the performance issues some customers have encountered with earlier 24.x releases.

    Installer can be downloaded from here.

  • Fallen
    Fallen Staff Posts: 1 W/ Staff

    WithSecure™ Elements Agent macOS 24.2.52332 has now rolled out to Production and is available for all customers.

  • core
    core Staff Posts: 6 W/ Staff

    WithSecure Elements Agent macOS 24.3.53323 has been released to our early access customers on 26th of August 2024. As usual, full availability will start 1-2 weeks later.

    This release includes improvements to software updater and fixes to bugs which were causing agent to crash occasionally + other minor bug fixes.

    Installer can be downloaded from here.

  • core
    core Staff Posts: 6 W/ Staff

    WithSecure Elements Agent macOS 24.3.53367 has been released to our early access customers on 9th of September 2024. This early access release addresses the sensor related issue found in 24.3.53323.

    Installer can be downloaded from here.

    As usual, full availability will start 1-2 weeks from this release.

  • core
    core Staff Posts: 6 W/ Staff
    edited September 17

    WithSecure™ Elements Agent macOS 24.3.53367 has now rolled out to Production and is available for all customers.

    Added features:

    • Advanced response actions are now available for macOS
    • Software updater user interface component enabling better visibility and control of application updates

    Fixed issues:

    • Denial-of-service type of vulnerability where non-privileged user was able to prevent installation of Elements Agent on the host


    • This release is not compliant with macOS Sequoia
    • Official macOS 15 Sequoia support is scheduled later in September 2024 with version number 24.4.
    • Before upgrading, please read article about the network addresses.
