F-Secure PSB Server Security 11 - Firewall/mail scanning

jensbchr Posts: 2 Contributor



I can see on the admin page that firewall and email scanning is not installed.

Are there anyone who knows how to get these installed?


Can I uninstall and reinstall on the server using the same license code? 


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello jensbchr,


    Firewall and email scanning modules are not available in our products for servers.


    > Can I uninstall and reinstall on the server using the same license code? 


    Yes, you can.


    Best regards,


  • jensbchr
    jensbchr Posts: 2 Contributor

    Why are they then listed as uninstalled if they are not in server product?

    It could have said N/A in stead.


    Thanks for the answer anyway,



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