When logging in to Elements Security Center, the Collaboration Protection product subscription section shows "no access rights - You do not have rights to Collaboration Protection content of this organization" for it.
If you are a customer who just bought Elements Collaboration Protection or a partner who has received Not for Resale (NFR) licenses, you need to create the first administrator account from the self-register page. When you use the same email address as your current WithSecure Elements account uses, it will simply add the user rights to your account.
You can find the instruction steps and the link to the self-register page here: Creating a new administrator account | Elements Collaboration Protection | Latest | WithSecure User Guides
If you already have a colleague with Elements Collaboration Protection access rights to your company's account, that colleague can add administrator user rights for you by following these steps:
- Log in to the Elements Security Center
- Click Management - Collaboration Protection from the menu on the left
- Go to the Users page
- Click Add user
- Enter the email address of the existing WithSecure Business Account and follow the on screen instructions
If you are a partner user (solution provider) who does not see the Elements Collaboration Protection product when you log in to the Elements Security Center, you can ask one of your colleagues who has the Management access rights to the Collaboration Protection solution to add the rights by following the earlier mentioned steps.
If no one in your reseller partner company has Elements Collaboration Protection rights and you do not have Elements Collaboration Protection NFR licenses which to use to create the first administrator, please contact your WithSecure sales contact or open a support request.
Article no: 000041250