Correct way to import certificates into MSG
Issue: What is the correct way to combine certificate(s) and key into one file that can be imported into MSG? Resolution: The files provided by the Certificate Authority needs to be assembled in the following order: Appliance certificate, any intermediate certificate(s), Private key. The data can be bundled together in…
What happens when an MSG license expires or is deactivated?
Issue: What happens when the F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway (MSG) license has expired or been deactivated? Will emails be blocked or bypass the MSG appliance? Resolution: In the event that the MSG license has expired or been deactivated, for license migration purposes. The appliance itself will keep functioning: *…
How to add a user to the MSG or PSE users list so that they pass recipient verification?
Issue: Emails sent to a user never arrive because the user is not recognized as a verified recipient and are therefore blocked. How to add the user as a verified recipient on a Protection Service for Email (PSE) or Messaging Security Gateway (MSG) appliance? Resolution: * Log in to the PSE / MSG appliance * Select the…
MSG Smart Search fails, errors about CloudSearch module reporting service unavailable and response code 503
Issue: Smart Search reports that search fails and there are repeated eid.general-errors in the MSG alert viewer The errors have the following rawlog-data: [] err src=admin mod=CloudSearch sub=getResults err="Service unavailable" [] err src=admin MISUtil::getIndexList failed. Response code: 503. url:…
How to display encrypted messages in Messaging Security Gateway End User Web
Issue: How to allow users to be able to see and manage the encrypted messages they have sent through Messaging Security Gateway using the end user web service? Resolution: To enable management of sent encrypted messages in the end user web service (euweb): * Log into the Messaging Security Gateway Web UI. * Click on…
User has forgotten password to MSG/PSE Secure Reader
Issue: A user has forgotten their password to Secure Reader and there is no direct way to reset it. Resolution: For internal users, the password can be reset through the appliance webGUI: * Log in to the appliance webGUI * Go to the System-tab * Navigate to User Management->Users on the right * Search for the users…
Is it possible to schedule monthly reporting in F-Secure MSG?
Issue: Is it possible to schedule monthly reporting in Messaging Security Gateway? Resolution: No, it's not possible. You can set a report that will be scheduled for selected days, so the longest interval is one week. Article no: 000005286
Title names are not being saved when creating or modifying a Branding template in MSG
Issue: After creating or modifying a Branding template, when adding the Title -information and clicking Save, the saving request keeps hanging (Saving... Please wait) and the Title -information is not being saved. Resolution: This happens if you are using empty spaces in the Title and also possibly when using different…
Emails to external recipients sent from software not encrypted by MSG
Issue: A software in our environment sends out regular emails to internal and external recipients. A tag is added to the subject line to have these messages encrypted by MSG. Only the messages intended for internal recipients are being encrypted, all messages from the software to external recipients arrive unencrypted.…
MSG encryption and distribution lists
Issue: Does MSG message encryption work normally when sending emails from a distribution list? Resolution: Yes, sending from a distribution list has no effect on the MSG message encryption functionality. Article no: 000018149